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Win an iPad mini Competition

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Win an iPad mini Competition

A must read for all existing M.I.L.E users

To celebrate launching version 2.2.5 of our fantastic new Room Director software, Experia will be running a monthly competition over the next three months for all M.I.L.E users to win a free iPad mini!

The latest release allows you to share your original and favourite scenarios with the entire Experia M.I.L.E community. Why keep your ideas and creative inspiration locked away when you can collaborate and share?

We have already sent out a copy of version 2.2.5 to all users in the post. When you receive your copy simply pop the CD into your main M.I.L.E control computer and let the install wizard do the rest. Refer to the Quick Install Guide for full upgrade instructions.

So how do you win the iPad mini I hear you say?

Simple, just follow these easy steps:

  • Firstly, right click and select "Share" on your favourite user generated scenario from the scenarios page within Room Director v2.2.5.
  • Next, login to the Experia Blog. If you haven't already registered your Experia account you must do this first.
  • Finally just comment below this blog post with details of your submitted scenario, You need to tell other M.I.L.E users why they should download and use your amazing scenario!  Be as detailed as you can, tell us what inspired you and what you set out to achieve.

At the end of June, July and August our judging panel will review all entries and decide on a winner! If you are a winner we shall be in touch. You've got to be in it to win it!

Happy creating and sharing.

The Experia Team