Aspergers Syndrome (ASP)
Aspergers Syndrome is a lifelong developmental disability like other conditions on the autism spectrum. It affects the way people interact with others around them, and how they perceive the world around them. Autism and Aspergers are more common in the UK than people realise with around 700,000 people living with Autism.
A profound effect can be noticed when individuals with Aspergers Syndrome (ASP) regularly experience scheduled time in a multi-sensory environment. Living in a bubble, lack of innate social skills and difficulty with communication is common amongst those living on the autism spectrum.
Yet spending regular time in a room with softened lights, projected images, fibre optics and bubble tubes in addition to digital sound and aromatherapy can filter much of the incoming extraneous sensory information allowing such individuals the ability to organize and often begin to communicate and integrate information.
Sensory products are carefully designed and selected to maximize the benefits of each experience and thereby reduce anxiety, extraneous movements and sensory blockage while encouraging communication, speech and socialization.
Experia tailor makes Sensory Equipment and bespoke Sensory Rooms to suit any need such as Aspergers Syndrome (ASP) or budget.
We also offer FREE 3D Room Design Service if you need a little help with designing your dream sensory space. With the help from our expert sensory advisors, we can help you create the perfect environment for the needs of its users.
You can also request a product catalogue to get some more ideas for your sensory space or watch our DVD to have a look at some of the best sensory rooms from around the world that we have installed.
For information about our products and services, please get in touch today on Freephone 0800 612 6077 or email us