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Dementia Awareness Week

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Dementia Awareness Week

What Is Dementia?

Dementia, is a condition that involves a person losing their cognitive abilities. However this is not the same as the normal levels of cognitive deterioration that are a part of the aging process. Sometimes dementia can have a progressive effect due to disease or damage; however it can also stay the same if the sufferer has had an injury to their brain.

It is typically spotted with the following symptoms:

  • Memory loss
  • Problems with thinking
  • Problems with speech and language
  • Problems with problem solving

Most cases of Dementia present in older people, however it can happen prior to aging and this is known as early onset dementia. The sooner that it is discovered in a person, the sooner measures can be put in place to help families and the person themselves prepare to cope with dementia.

What Is Dementia Awareness Week?

Dementia Awareness Week, is a great way to help raise awareness and promote knowledge and understanding of what dementia is, and what can be done to help those that have the condition. The Alzheimer’s society is one of the key drivers in raising awareness of the condition as well as supporting those who suffer and their families.

Dementia Awareness Week is an opportunity to raise the profile of the condition in the public eye, as well as encouraging great fund raising events to raise fund for dementia charities.

What Can Be Done To Help Those With Dementia?

In terms of caring for a dementia patient, whether it is at home or in a care home environment, some dementia aids that can help with the care of a patient with dementia and help them have an independent dignified lifestyle can include:

  • Bubble tubes - a calming and relaxing addition to any room with dementia being a distressing condition for some a bubble tube can be a great help to sooth.
  • Fibre optics - again useful at creating calming and relaxing effects on a room, fibre optics are also tactile and safe to touch.
  • iRiS Sensory Room - allowing those in your care to regain control over their environment is one of the key features that our interactive sensory rooms have to offer.

Dementia is a distressing condition for those that suffer from it and their families. Keeping up to date with the latest information as well as trying to help and support those in your care maintain dignity and independence is the best thing that can be done. Our multi-sensory rooms at Experia transcend any age barriers. Older people have shown profound changes in mood, cognition and overall well-being when regularly visiting our rooms. Dementia can be a difficult diagnosis to handle or understand and can show itself with anger, moodiness or forgetfulness.

If you feel that you need some dementia aids that will help those in your care to cope with the condition, then contact us at Experia for friendly knowledgeable advice from staff who will be empathetic to your needs.