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Concentration is intrinsically linked to attention, being the act of, or power to, focus ones own mental effort on a specific task. Concentration is hugely important for learning. Whilst most children find that paying attention can be hard work at times, it can often be a bigger challenge for children with autism spectrum disorder or ADHD. There are three different subcategories of ADHD, one of which is the primarily inattentive type (or ADD) which manifests as concentration difficulties. There are some psychologists who believe Concentration Deficit Disorder to be a completely separate subset disorder. In Concentration Deficit Disorder, the person, usually a child, feels like they're constantly experiencing a brain fog or flu. They may have persistent difficulty concentrating; stare or look blank when asked a question; be slow-moving, lethargic, drowsy, or sleepy during the day; uninterested in playing with friends; and withdrawn, which could affect their social life and general development.

Stimulating surroundings and rewards for interaction and engagement, such as in an interactive sensory room, can be just what the dopamine-deprived brain of a person with ADD needs in order to enable them to concentrate. For those with sensory processing difficulties, being able to concentrate in a busy environment such as in a classroom or in an environment where there is a lot of noise around can be very challenging and even stressful. Providing a quiet and non-distracting environment to concentrate and then learn in can be very powerful. You can use a calming sensory room to create a quiet space where the environment facilities attention and concentration. For schools and care facilities that cater for pupils with varying sensory needs in order to focus and concentrate, Experia's MiLE is a calming sensory room, stimulating sensory room, and interactive sensory room - all rolled into one! We're here to help! We're only a phone call or an email away, so if you'd like to talk to someone about setting up the perfect sensory environment for all your users' needs, contact us today.

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