De-Escalation is the action of reducing the intensity of a conflict. In relation to special needs, this means a conflict of emotions and a struggle to control the natural fight or flight response.
For people with emotional and behavioural difficulties and autism, it can be a real challenge to organise their thinking and calmly respond to a frustrating situation. Often, for those with sensory processing difficulties, sensory overload can mean that anxiety builds in a vicious feedback loop and communication difficulties can make it hard for them to express their emotions until they hit breaking point.
Although most people with differing developmental abilities are not violent or aggressive, some people at the more severe end of the spectrum may experience extremely high levels of frustration, which can be expressed through both aggressive and self-injurious behaviours. Dependant on the severity of the response in your users, calming sensory rooms and equipment may provide an appropriate solution for de-escalation, with the soothing images and sounds, plus calming, colour changing lighting effects, providing gentle stimuli to different senses in order to trigger the relaxation process. For other users, a specifically designed de-escalation room, with its wall and floor padding, provides a safe environment in which they can physically release their pent up frustration without endangering themselves or others. Contact our sensory experts today if you want to find out more about how Experia can help you change lives.