Switching Skills
Switching skills enable an individual to operate some parts of a mains or battery-powered system through a single action.
People with severe physical disabilities or profound and multiple learning difficulties can find it very difficult to control their environment. Switching often offers their only method of accessing technology and this can still be very limited compared to the high level of interaction afforded to others. However, an interactive sensory room provides highly stimulating, multiple rewards for using a single accessible switch and this can be life changing for those that aren't ordinarily able to have such an impact on their environment.
For people with special needs, learning switching and touchscreen activities can also help them develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, but often the most profound results are in their mental wellbeing. Using an appropriate, accessible switch in an interactive sensory room provides the autonomy of development of choice, boosting their confidence and therefore their mental health and these benefits can translate over into the rest of their lives. Check out the sensory solutions below, all of which enable users with varying abilities to switch and control their environment. Alternatively, if you'd like to speak to one of our sensory advisors about setting up the perfect sensory room for your needs, contact us today.